Q. Write a program to take two numbers and print if the first number is fully divisible by second number or not.

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Answer :-

a = int(input("Enter the number = "))
b = int(input("Enter the divisor = "))
print((a%b == 0 and "It is divisible ") or "It is not divisible" )

Output :-

Enter the number = 4
Enter the divisor = 2
It is divisible


Enter the number = 654165
Enter the divisor = 6
It is not divisible


Enter the number = 2
Enter the divisor = 562163
It is not divisible



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  1. a = int(input("enter the number = "))
    b = int(input("enter the divisor = "))
    print((a%b == 0 and "it is divisible ") or "it is not divisible")

    in last there will be only bracket as i typed

  2. x = int(input("Enter the First Number "))
    y = int(input("Enter the Second Number "))
    if x%y ==0:
    print(x,"and",y,"is divisible")
    print(x,"and",y,"not divisible")

    this also works


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