Q. Write a program to read a list containing three digit integer only. then write an insertion sort function that sorts the list on the basis of one’s digit of all element.

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Answer :-

lst = eval(input("Enter a three digit numbers list = "))
length = len(lst)
for i in range(1,length):
    temp = lst[i]%10
    t = lst[i]
    j = i-1
    while j>=0 and temp<(lst[j]%10):
        lst[j+1] = lst[j]
        j = j -1
    lst[j+1] = t

Output :-

Enter a three digit numbers list = [561,978,357,159,456,789,123]
[561, 123, 456, 357, 978, 159, 789]


Enter a three digit numbers list = [674,523,895,124,789,451,359]
[451, 523, 674, 124, 895, 789, 359]


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