Q. Given two dictionaries say d1 and d2

Write a program that lists the over lapping keys of the two dictionaries if a key of d1 is also a key of d2, the list it.

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Answer :-

d1 = eval(input("Enter first dictionary = "))
d2 = eval(input("Enter second dictionary = "))
lst1 = (d1.keys() )
lst2 = (d2.keys() )
lst = [ ]
for i in lst1 :
    for j in lst2 :
        if i == j :
            lst += [ i ]
print("Over lapping keys are ",lst )

Output :-

Enter first dictionary = {"Path":9,"Walla":15,"Portal":41,"Express":5}
Enter second dictionary = {"Python":8,"Path":0,"C++":2,"Java":78,"Portal":48}
Over lapping keys are  ['Path', 'Portal']


Enter first dictionary = {"Path":9,"Walla":15,"Portal":41,"Express":5}
Enter second dictionary = {1:8,5:7,"Path":4}
Over lapping keys are  ['Path']


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