Q. If a is (1, 2, 3)

(a) what is the difference (if any) between a * 3 and (a, a, a)?

(b) is a * 3 equivalent to a + a + a ?

(c) what is the meaning of a[1:1] ?

(d) what is the difference between a[1:2] and a[1:1] ?

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Answer =

A = a*3 will print three times of tuple in a single tuple
(a,a,a) will print nested tuple.

B = yes

C = it mean that it will not give any e value because it is start from index number 1 but stop at index number 1 but as we know that in slicing it is start from 1 and stop up at 1  so it will print empty tuple.

D = a[1:2] will print value at index number 1 while,
a[1:1] will print empty tuple.


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  1. How can tuple be editted it is immutable right

    1. We can not edit tuple but we can add it with another tuple.

    2. Yeah it is known concatenation(adding), similar data types can concatenated althrough immutable data type


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