Q. Write SQL commands for the following on the basis of given table CLUB.

(a) To show all information about the swimming coaches in the club.

(b) To list names of all coaches with their date of appointment (DATOFAPP) in descending order.

(c) To display a report, showing coachname, pay, age and bonus (15% of pay) for all the coaches.

Answer =

Select * from CLUB
Where sports = “SWIMMING”;

select coachname, datofapp from CLUB
Order by datofapp DESC;

(c)  select coachname , pay , age , pay * 0.15 as Bonus from CLUB ;


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  1. Replies
    1. We have already uploaded table in form of photo. So it take some time to show on your display.

  2. can you also tell how to create this type of tables in sql

  3. To list names of all coaches with their date of appointment (DATOFAPP) in descending order. (qstin 2 ) they have asked with their date of appointments doesnt it means we should show that too

  4. can you give the output table too??

    1. Sorry, but we will definitely try in future.

  5. Select count(distinct sports) from club;


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