Recursion || Type A || Sumita Arora || Class 12 || Computer science || Information practices || Solution ||

 Q 1 = What is a recursive function? Write one advantage of recursive functions.

Q 2 = What is direct recursion and indirect recursion?


Q 3 = What are the two cases required in a recursive function?

Q 4 = What is base case?

Q 5 = What is recursive case?

Q 6 = Is it necessary to have a base case in a recursive function? Why/Why not?

Q 7 = What is infinite recursion? Why does it occur?

Q 8 = How can you stop/resolve an infinite recursion?

Q 9 = Give some examples that can be represented recursively.

Q 10 = Can each recursive function be represented through iteration? Give examples.

Q 11 = Which of the function given in previous question will result into infinite recursion?

Q 12 = Identify the base case(s) in the following recursive function:

def function(n) :
    if n == 0 :
        return 5
    elif n == 1 :
        return 8
    elif n > 0 :
        return function1(n-1) + function1(n-2)
        return -1

Q 13 = Why are recursive functions considered slower than their iterative counterparts?

Q 14 = If any recursive function can be easily written using iterative code, then what is the need for recursion? When would you prefer recursion over iteration and vice versa?

Q 15 = Compare and contrast the use of iteration and recursion in terms of memory space and speed.

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