Q. What are the possible outcome(s) executed from the following code? Also specify the maximum and minimum values that can be assigned to variable NUMBER.

import random
NUMBER = random.randint (0, 3)
while STRING[N] != "L":
    print (STRING[N] + STRING[NUMBER] +  "#", end = " ")

(i) ES#NE#IO#

Answer =

Outcomes are (i)

Maximum value of NUMBER is 6.
Minimum value of NUMBER is 3.

Because Minimum value of NUMBER from random.randint (0, 3) is 0 and while loop will run only 3 times. So, Minimum value of NUMBER is 3.

Maximum value of NUMBER from random.randint (0, 3) is 3 and while loop will run only 3 times. So, Maximum value of NUMBER is 6.


Output of Code :-

EC# NB# IS# 3

EB# NS# IE# 4

ES# NE# IO# 5

EE# NO# IN# 6


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  1. why minimum value is not 0 and max 3

    1. Because Minimum value of NUMBER from random.randint (0, 3) is 0 and while loop will run only 3 times. So, Minimum value of NUMBER is 3.

      Maximum value of NUMBER from random.randint (0, 3) is 3 and while loop will run only 3 times. So, Maximum value of NUMBER is 6.


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