Python Fundamental Type C Sumita arora IP Class 11 Solution

Q1. Write a program that display a joke . but display the punch line only when the user presses enter key .


Q14.  Write a program to read three number in three variables and swap first two variable with the sums of first and second ,second and third numbers respectively . 

Q15. Write a program to input the cost price, selling price and print the profit earned.

Q16. Write a program to input the total liabilities and shareholders' equity of a company and print its D/E
ratio as
Total Liabilities / Total Shareholders’ Equity

Q17. Write a program to input a company's total assets and total equity and print its equity multiplier as
Total Assets / Total Equity

Q18. Write a program that accepts cost of goods sold (cgos) revenue generated, operating costs (oc) and prints Gross profit, net profit and net profit percentage. [Hint : Net profit = Revenue - cgos - oc]

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