Q. What is the importance of TCP/IP on Internet communications?

Answer =

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, TCP/IP is a set of rules (protocols) governing communications among all computers on the Internet.
More specifically, TCP/IP dictates how information should be packaged (turned into bundles of information called packets), sent, and received, as well as how to get to its destination.

The TCP/IP Internet protocols consist of :-

• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which uses a set of rules to exchange messages with other Internet points at the information packet level.

• Internet Protocol (IP), which uses a set of rules to send and receive messages at the Internet address level.

• TCP/IP is able to integrate and interacts with additional Internet protocols that include the UDP (User Datagram Protocol), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP), each with defined sets of rules to use with corresponding programs elsewhere on the Internet.

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