Q. All the branches of XYZ School conducted an aptitude test for all the students in the age group 14 - 16. There were a total of n students. The marks of n students are stored in a list. Write a program using a user defined function that accepts a list of marks as an argument and calculates the ‘xth’ percentile (where x is any number between 0 and 100).You are required to perform the following steps to be able to calculate the ‘xth ’ percentile.

Note: Percentile is a measure of relative performance i.e. it is calculated based on a candidate’s performance with respect to others.

For example: If a candidate's score is in the 90thpercentile that means she/he scored better than 90% of people who took the test. Steps to calculate the xth percentile:

I. Order all the values in the data set from smallest to largest using Selection Sort. In general any of the sorting methods can be used.

II. Calculate index by multiplying x percent by the total number of values, n.
For example: to find 90th percentile for 120 students:
0.90*120 = 108

III. Ensure that the index is a whole number by using math.round()

VI. Display the value at the index obtained in Step 3.

The corresponding value in the list is the xth percentile.

Answer :-

def Portal ( lst ):
    for i in range ( len( lst ) ):
        for j in range ( len( lst) - 1 ):
            if lst [ j ] > lst [ j + 1 ] :
                lst[j] , lst [ j + 1] = lst[j + 1] , lst [j]
    x = int(input ("Enter  'xth' percentile :- ") )
    index = round( x * len( lst ) / 100 )
    print("Index / Marks of Student :- ", lst[ index ])

n = int(input("Enter number of Student :- "))
lst = []
for i in range(n) :
    mark = int(input("Enter Mark of Student :- "))
    lst += [ mark ]

Output :-

Enter number of Student :- 15

Enter Mark of Student :- 95
Enter Mark of Student :- 46
Enter Mark of Student :- 123
Enter Mark of Student :- 159
Enter Mark of Student :- 136
Enter Mark of Student :- 178
Enter Mark of Student :- 56
Enter Mark of Student :- 99
Enter Mark of Student :- 88
Enter Mark of Student :- 146
Enter Mark of Student :- 128
Enter Mark of Student :- 137
Enter Mark of Student :- 111
Enter Mark of Student :- 156
Enter Mark of Student :- 48

Enter  'xth' percentile :- 95
Index / Marks of Student :-  178



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