Q. Explain the following along with their applications.

(a) Artificial Intelligence

(b) Machine Learning


(a) Artificial Intelligence:-
Artificial Intelligence endeavours to simulate the natural intelligence of human beings into machines, thus making them behave intelligently. An intelligent machine is supposed to imitate some of the cognitive functions of humans like learning, decision-making and problem solving. AI system can also learn from past experiences or outcomes to make new decisions.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence:-
•  Artificial Intelligence in Navigation like:- Google map
•  Artificial Intelligence powered Assistants like:- Google Assistant, Siri
•  Artificial Intelligence in Robotics
•  Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
•  Artificial Intelligence in Gaming
•  Artificial Intelligence in Social Media

(b) Machine Learning:-
Machine Learning is a subsystem of Artificial Intelligence, wherein computers have the ability to learn from data using statistical techniques, without being explicitly programmed by a human being.

Applications of Machine Learning:-

• Image Recognition
• Speech Recognition
• Traffic prediction
• Product recommendation
• Self-driving cars
• Email Spam and Malware Filtering.

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