Joins and Set Operations Sumita arora IP Type A Solution || Joins and Set Operations Sumita arora IP Type A Class 12 Solution || Joins and Set Operations IP Type A || Joins and Set Operations Information Practices || Joins and Set Operations Sumita arora Type A Information Practices Solution || Joins and Set Operations Type A Sumita arora Information Practices Class 12 Solution || Joins and Set Operations Type A Sumita arora Solution

Note :-  Please Click on Question to get Answer of that Question

Q1. What is Cartesian product? How is it related to join?

Q2. What is a join? How is natural join different from an equi-join?

Q3. What is a table alias? What is the purpose of table alias?

Q4. Define an equi-join. What is non-equi-join?

Q5. What is join? How many different types of joins can you create in MySQL?

Q6. There are multiple ways to create cartesian product of two tables in MySQL. Describe them.

Q7. How is a left join different from a natural join?

Q8. How a cross is join different from natural join?

Q9. Can you join two tables without using the keyword JOIN?

Q10. What is the difference between ON and USING join-clauses?

Q11. A table STUDENT has 4 rows and 2 columns and another table TEACHER has 3 rows and 4 columns. How many rows and columns will be there if we obtain the Cartesian product of these two tables?

Q12. What does UNION do?

Q13. Are UNION and UNION ALL the same? Why?

Q14. What does INTERSECT do?

Q15. What does MINUS operation do?

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