Q. What are some types of software licenses?

Answer =

Some types of software licenses are:-

(i) GNU General Public License (GPL):- The GNU General Public License (GPL) is probably one of the most commonly used licenses for open-source projects. The GPL grants and guarantees a wide range of rights to developers who work on open-source projects. Basically, it allows users to legally copy, distribute and modify software.

(ii) GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL):- It offers lesser rights to a work than the standard GPL license. The LGPL is used to license free software so that it can be incorporated into both free software and proprietary software. The LGPL and GPL licenses differ with one major exception; with LGPL the requirement that you have to release software extensions in open GPL has been removed.

Mostly, LGPL is used by libraries. LGPL is also called GNU libraries and formally called the Library GPL.

(iii) BSD License: - BSD licenses represent a family of permissive free software licenses that have fewer restrictions on distribution compared to other free software licenses such as the GNU General Public License.

(iv) MIT License: - The MIT License is the shortest and probably broadest of all the popular open-source licenses. Its terms are very loose and more permissive than most other licenses.

(v) Apache License: - The Apache License, grants a number of rights to users. These rights can be applied to both copyrights and patents.

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