Getting Started with Python Preeti Arora Class 11 Information Practices Solution

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Q1. When was Python introduced?

Q2. Who developed Python and which two languages contributed to Python as a programming language?

Q3. Is Python case-sensitive?

Q4. What is IDLE?

Q5. Differentiate between displaying and printing method in Python.

Q6. Briefly explain the salient features of Python.

Q7. What do you understand by cross-platform software with respect to Python?

Q8. What are the advantages of Python programming language?

Q9. In how many different ways can you work in Python?

Q10. What are the advantages/disadvantages of working in Interactive mode in Python?

Q11. Write instructions to the Interactive mode for the following:
(a) To display sum of 3, 8.0, 6*12
(b) To print sum of 16, 5.0, 44.0

Q12. Write instructions to get the following result:
Python is easy to learn and write.
It allows us to work in two modes: Interactive mode and Script mode.
Interactive mode is also known as Python Shell and Script mode is known as Python Editor.
It is a platform-independent language.
We find it interesting to work with Python.

Do it in both interactive mode and script mode.

Q13. Write a code that prints your full name and your birthday as separate strings.

Q14. Record what happens when the following statements are executed:
(a) print (n=17)
(b) print (8+9)
(c) print (4.2, "hello", 6-2, "world", 15/2.0)

Q15. Use IDLE to calculate:
(a) 6 + 4 * 10
(b) (6 + 4) * 10

Q16. Try the following code on the Python shell and evaluate the output generated:
>>>print (3.14159 *7)
>>>print ('I am a class XI' + 'student').
>>>print ('1', 'm')
>>>print ("class XI student")
>>>print ("I 'm', 16, "years old")


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  1. sorry for writing this language actually i was very tensed at that time
    sorry again

    1. Ok, Not Problem but Please check that question again I have corrected it.

  2. Update the answers please

  3. print("123abc" , sep = '-' )

  4. some questions are not here


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