NumPy Preeti Arora Class 11 Information Practices Solution

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Q1. What is NumPy?

Q2. Give the steps to install NumPy.

Q3. Differentiate between lists in Python and arrays.

Q4. Give the purpose of using arange().

Q5. What is reshape() function?

Q6. Import NumPy as 'np' and print the version number.

Q7. WAP to create a 1D array holding numeric values from 0 to 9.

Q8. WAP to create a NumPy 1D array with all elements as Boolean true.

Q9. WAP to extract and display all odd values from a 1D array.

Q10. WAP to extract and display all even values from a 1D array.

Q11. Consider an Array A containing Numeric values-WAP to replace all odd numbers with -1 and copy this content into another array B without altering the original array A.

Q12. Given a 1D array, WAP to replace all odd numbers with 1 and display the final array.

Q13. WAP to extract and copy the first 2 rows of a 1D array to a 2D array.

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