Q. To categorise a person as either child (<13), teenager (> 13 but <20) or adult (20), based on age specified.

Answer :-

Algorithm :-

1. Start
2. Input age
3. If age < 13
             Print "Child"
     Elif age >= 20
             Print "adult"
              Print "teenager"
4. Stop

Pseudocode :-

A = input "Age "
If a is smaller than 13
       Display " Child "
Elif a is greater or equal 20
       Display "adult"
        Display " teenager "

Flow Chart :-

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  1. Sorry but I can't find a flow chart for this question anywhere. Please provide that also...I need it

  2. Thank you so much but I want flowchart of this question.... Because teacher is waiting for do this flowchart and I am depended on you ..so please help me 💖🥲 again thank you

  3. Me to Need a flowchart
    You are great

  4. Replying to all?

  5. Thank you for doing this great job for us.


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