True / False For Python Pandas 1 Class 12 Informatics Practices

1. A series object is 2D array that stores ordered collection columns that can store data of different tuple.
2. A dataframe is a 1D array-like object containing an array of data and an associated array of data labels.
3. To access subset of a dataframe, we can use loc() method.
4. The iteritems() iterate over vertical subset in the form of (col_index, series) pair.
5. The value NAN/NAT/None are the same in Pandas.
6. The iteritems() brings horizontal subsets from a dataframe.
7. The all() and any() functions are used to check if all or any item is non-zero, not-empty or not-False.
8. CSV refers to tabular data saved as plain text where data values are separated by commas.
9. read_csv() method automatically takes the last row of the CSV file.
10. A Pandas Series object can be thought of as a column or a row, essentially.
11. Both Series and DataFrame are one dimensional data structure objects.
12. While series is a one dimensional datastructure object, dataframe is a multi-dimensional data structure object.
13. A Series object is value mutable.
14. A Series object is size mutable.
15. A DataFrame object is value mutable.
16. A DataFrame object is size mutable.
17. There is no difference between a NumPy array and a Series object.
18. A DataFrame can be thought of as a group of multiple Series objects.
19. A DataFrame has similar properties as a Series object.
20. A Series object can store only homogeneous (same type of) elements.
21. A DataFrame object can store only homogeneous elements.
22. The del statement can remove the rows as well as columns in a dataframe.
23. The rename() always makes changes in the default data frame.

Answer :-

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True
11. False
12. True
13. True
14. False
15. True
16. True
17. False
18. True
19. False
20. True
21. False
22. False
23. False

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