Q. Write a function AMCount() in Python, which should read each character of a text file STORY.TXT, should count and display the occurrence of alphabets A and M (including small cases a and m too).

Example: If the file content is as follows:

Updated information
As simplified by official websites.

The EUCount() function should display the output as:

A or a : 4
M or m: 2

Answer :-

def AMCount( ):
    f = open("STORY.txt", "r",)
    data = f.read()
    count_a = 0
    count_m = 0
    for i in data :
        if i == "a" or i == "A":
            count_a += 1
        elif i == "m" or i == "M":
            count_m += 1
    print("A or a :", count_a )
    print("M or m:", count_m)


Output :-

A or a : 4
M or m: 2



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