Q. Write a function having tuple as an argument and returns True if the elements of the first half of the tuple are sorted in ascending order otherwise False. 

Write a complete program that inputs elements of a tuple and invokes the function defined above.

(Enter even number of elements in the tuple)

Example 1 :  tuple with even elements as shown below 

(1, 3, 5, 14, 7, 34)

 Output :- First half of the tuple elements are upto index 2

First half elements of tuple are sorted

Example 2  :  tuple with even elements as shown below 

(51, 3, 5, 21, 7, 34, 291, -78)

Output :- First half of the tuple elements are upto index 3

First half elements of tuple are not sorted

Answer :- 

def Path( tup ):
    n = len( tup)//2
    sort = True
    for i in range (n-1):
        if tup[i] > tup [i+1]:
            sort = False
    return sort

tup = eval(input("Enter tuple of even elements :- "))
print( Path(tup) )

Output :-

Enter tuple of even elements :- (1, 3, 5, 14, 7, 34)


Enter tuple of even elements :- (51, 3, 5, 21, 7, 34, 291, -78)

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