Q. Write a function PUSH( stk ), where stk is a stack implemented as a list with individual elements as tuples (Admno, Name, Marks). Push elements of stack stk to two different stacks named PASS and FAIL by checking marks (passing marks are >=35). Display the stacks PASS and FAIL if it has at least one element otherwise display an appropriate message.

Answer :-

def Push ( stk ):
      Pass = []
      Fail = []
      for i in stk :
            if i[2] >= 35 :
                  Pass += [ i ]
            else :
                  Fail += [ i ]
      print ("Pass :- ",Pass)
      print("Fail :- ",Fail)

stk = eval(input("Enter list of tuples of Student :- "))
if len(stk)==0:
      print("Enter at list one record.")
else :
      Push( stk )

Output :- 

Enter list of tuples of Student :- [ ( 123,"Path",95 ), ( 456,"Walla",12) ]
Pass :-  [(123, 'Path', 95)]
Fail :-  [(456, 'Walla', 12)]

Enter list of tuples of Student :- []
Enter at list one record.

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