Introducing to Problem Solving sumita arora solution || Introducing to Problem Solving class 11 sumita arora solution || Introducing to Problem Solving class 11 sumita arora || Introducing to Problem Solving sumita arora || sumita arora Introducing to Problem Solving || sumita arora Introducing to Problem Solving solution || Introducing to Problem Solving sumita arora practical solution || sumita arora practical solution || Introducing to Problem Solving class 11 solution || Introducing to Problem Solving class 11

Q1. Write an algorithm to find the square of a number.

Q2 Draw a flowchart to solve the problem of a non-functioning light bulb.

Q3. Draw a flowchart for calculating grade from marks percentage.

Q4 Write an algorithm to double a number in two different ways: (i) n+n, (ii) 2x

Q5. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to determine if a student passed the exam or not.( Note there are 4 subject papers and passing average is 50 or more.)

Q6. Write pseudocode for following :-

Dean a flowchart, write an algorithm and pseudo code for following Questions :-

Q8.To find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.

Q9. To calculate the area and the circumference of circles.

Q10. To calculate the simple interest.

Q11. To check whether a year is a leap year or not.

Q12. To check if a number is a positive or negative number.

Q13. To check if a number is an odd or even number.

Q14. To categories a person as either child (<13), teenager (> 13 but <20) or adult (20), based specified.

Q15. To print all natural numbers up to n.

Q16. To print n odd numbers.

Q17. To print square of a number.

Q18. To accept 5 numbers and find their average.

Q19. To accept numbers till the user enters and then find their average.

Q20. To print squares of first n numbers.

Q21. To print the cube of a number.

Q22. To print to print cubes of first n numbers.

Q23. To find sum of n given numbers.

Q24. To find factorial of a given number.

Q25. Given the following pseudo code:

Use variables sum, product, number1, number2 of type real
display "Input two numbers"
accept number1, number2
sum number1 + number2 print "The sum is", sum
product number1* number2
print "The Product is ", product
end program

Draw a flow chart for the same and dry run the given pseudocode if it is working

Q26. Given the following pseudo code:

Use variables: choice, of the type character
ans, number1, number2, of type integer display "choose one of the following"
display "m for multiply"
display "a for add"
display "s for subtract"
accept choice
display "input two numbers you want to use" accept number1, number 2
if choice m then ans number1 number2 if choice a then ans number1 + number 21
if choices then ans number1 - number2
display ans

Draw a flow chart for the same and dry run the given pseudocode if it is working

Q27. Given the following pseudo code:

Use variables: mark of type integer
If mark> 80, display "distinction" If mark > 60 and mark 80, display "merit"
If mark > 40 and mark < 60, display "pass"
If mark 40 display, "fail"

Draw a flow chart for the same and dry run the given pseudocode if it is working fine.

Q28. Given the following pseudo code:

Use variables: category of type character
Display "input category" Accept category
If category= 'U'
Display "insurance is not available" Else If category= 'A' then
Display "insurance is double"
Else If category= 'B' then
Display "insurance is normal" Else If category= 'M' then
Display "insurance is medically dependent"
Display "entry invalid"

Draw a flow chart for the same and dry run the given pseudocode if it is working fine.

Q29. Given the following pseudo code:

Use variable: number of type real
DISPLAY "Type in a number or zero to stop"
ACCEPT number
WHILE number 0
Square number number
DISPLAY "The square of the number is", square
DISPLAY "Type in a number or zero to stop"
ACCEPT number

Draw a flow chart for the same and dry run the given pseudocode if it is working fine.


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  1. Please give answers to questions from 25 to 29 and flowcharts for all questions, it was quite helpful though..

  2. it was very helpful but i will suggest to add type a questions also. Although it was very helpful and i enjoyed...

  3. Thanks a lot for the solutions! Really very helpful

  4. Please give solution of type A

  5. hy i want solution of practical book

  6. i want solutions


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