Computer Networks Preeti Arora Class 12 Information Practices Solution

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Q1. What is internet?

Q2. What is network?

Q3. What are the various types of topologies?

Q4. Describe bus topology and star topology.

Q5. Define the following terms:
(a) Baud
(b) Communication channel
(c) Hubs
(d) Repeaters

Q6. What is modem? Define the functioning of internal modem and external modem.

Q7. Expand and explain the following terms:
(a) PPP
(b) POP3
(c) VolP
(d) IRC

Q8. Describe the following networking devices:
(a) Hubs
(b) Repeaters
(c) Routers
(d) Bridges
(e) Gateways

Q9. What are Wi-Fi cards? Explain.

Q10. What is HTTPS? How does it work?

Q11. What are hubs? How are active hubs different from passive hubs?

Q12. What are the facilities provided by the Server in a network environment?

Q13. Which network is easy to expand?

Q14. Which device filters the data and which device can handle different protocol?

Q15. What is a network? What are its goals and applications?

Q16. What is the role of a switch in a network?

Q17. Briefly discuss the role of the following devices in the context of networking
(a) Repeater
(b) Router
(c) Bridge
(d) Gateway

Q18. When would you prefer
(i) hubs over repeaters
(ii) bridges over hubs
(iii) switches over other networking devices?

Q19. Write the steps to install add-ons in google chrome web browser.

Q20. What are cookies? Why are cookies created?

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